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“I support Italian fruit and vegetables”:  the new communication campaign of the Italian Women Association of Fresh Produce  to support the quality of Made in Italy products.

Coronavirus does not interfere with the quality of Italian fruit and vegetables. To remind consumers of this, the Association has created a special “tool”  to be used ad hoc as a vehicle in social media.


Bologna, March 4rd  2020 –  On March 2nd  the “I support Italian fruit and vegetables” social campaign from Italian Women Association of Fresh Produce started, in favor of the consumption of fresh produce Made in Italy.

“The message is simple and it is also confirmed by Efsa, the European food safety agency. There is no transmission of Coronavirus via food. The products grown in Italy have no health problem, on the contrary, it would be necessary to increase their consumption in order to boost the immune system. Therefore, in support of our products we have created a “filter” to be used on Facebook and Instagram to increase consumers’ confidence and awareness”.

In just a few hours, this campaign obtained thousands of memberships both in Italy and abroad, demonstrating that many people in the world do care about Italian fruit and vegetables.

According to the World Health Organization, currently the Coronavirus spread involves  Europe as a whole, and the outbreak in North Italy is bounded by strong security measures.

“For this reason, there is no point in restricting the export of Italian fresh products .

As a matter of fact, in Italy there is the highest concern for public safety and health, and safety measures have been put in place immediately. This is a guarantee for everyone.

We therefore ask for more precise information provided from the media and support from the Government to the export of our fruit and vegetables.

Italy is the second largest producer of fresh fruit and vegetables in Europe, and thanks to its particular geographical and climatic characteristics, is able to offer excellent quality, distinct taste and high level of safety for the consumers.

European fruit growing was born in Italy in the early 1900, thanks to the unique and excellent capabilities of our farmers. And still Italy has been the pioneer in Europe in developing the integrated agriculture, flagship of our agriproduction.

The Italian Women Association of Fresh Produce  promotes Women entrepreneurship by supporting consumers education, an accurate knowledge of the products and their proper communication both in Italy and abroad.

Our Association recommends the products of its associates companies: they are grown with love and passion, processed and selected with the utmost attention to hygiene and environment, taking care of every little detail.

To take part to this awareness campaign in support of the consumption of Italian fruit and vegetables using the filter of the Association just click here:

Salvi Vivai da cinquant’anni produce e vende piante di fragole, melo, pero, ciliegio e portinnesti di melo e pero. I Vivai sono conosciuti in Italia e a livello internazionale per la loro alta qualità e per l’innovazione costante grazie alla continua ricerca varietale.